SWCD General Resources 

New and Departing Employees

If you are, or your office has, a new or departing employee, please complete the Employee Status Form
and submit a copy of the form (along with any other requested materials) to the Agencies listed on the form.
Open Meetings Act (OMA)
As elected officials, SWCD Directors are required to complete Open Meetings Act electronic training at least once.  For more information on who is subject to this training, when they need to take the training, and how to access the training, click on this FACT SHEET.

To learn more about OMA, to register for the training, or to log into the training portal, visit the Illinois Attorney General's website at https://foiapac.ilag.gov.  For instructions on how to register on the Illinois Attorney General's website, click here.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Illinois Public Bodies must identify at least one Freedom of Information Act Officer.  FOIA Officers are required to complete FOIA electronic training annually.  For more information on FOIA Officers and when they should take the training, click on this FACT SHEET.  

To learn more about FOIA, to register for the training, or to log into the training portal, visit the Illinois Attorney General's website at https://foiapac.ilag.gov.  For instructions on how to register on the Illinois Attorney General's website, click here.
Regional list of employees who can help 
Are you looking for some help or information on certain topics?  Another employee in your region might be able to help.  For a list of employees who have offered to help with PFC, CREP, CPESC, Education, Envirothon, Quickbooks, Comptroller's Report, FMP, Insurance, Administrative Contribution Agreement, or CRP Contribution Agreement, click on this ISWCDEA Regional Mentors List.
Acronyms and Terms
SWCDs and our partner agencies use many acronyms and terms.  While we have attempted to compile a list of the most common acronyms and terms, there will undoubtedly be some missing from the following lists.  Let one of you ISWCDEA Regional Representatives know if you have suggested additions to either list.

         Alphabet Soup Acronyms                                                            Glossary of Terms
Soil and Water District Act (District Act)
In 1937, the Illinois General Assembly passed legislation allowing for the creation of Illinois Soil Conservation Districts (later to be call Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs)).  The establishment and authorities of Illinois SWCDs  are part of the Illinois Statutes and can be found specifically in the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) in Chapter 70, Paragraph 405 and subsequent.  This section of the ILCS is entitled "Soil and Water Conservation Districts Act", but is often referred to as the "District Act" for short.  

Over the years, some updates have been made to the District Act.  To read the current version of the District Act, follow this link or go to Illinois General Assembly's home page (https://www.ilga.gov) and search for Chapter 70, Paragraph 405 under the Illinois Compiled Statutes.
District Operational Handbooks
In July of 1998, each SWCD office was issued a copy of the Soil & Water Conservation District Operational Handbook (DOH).  It is a two-volume set, consisting of two green, 3-ring binders that contain information on a variety of topics pertaining to the operation of Illinois SWCDs.

While the Handbooks are a couple decades old, a lot of the information contained within them is still pertinent.  Topics include Director Election guidance; financial information and policies; personnel guidance including employment contracts, employee compensation, performance evaluations, employee standardized benefits, employee leave, Fair Labor Standards; cost-share program; board meetings; Directors information; District Operations; NRIs; and more. 